Crafted Tower - Workshop.
“Crafted Tower” amplifies the concepts of verticality, biological systems, and crafted models in an elaborated agenda during this 7-day long intensive computational setup.
The AA Istanbul Visiting School will explore tall structures through vertical growth algorithms by focusing on local crafts. The main aim of the AA Istanbul Global School is to revisit the basic form of creativity in crafts, and to investigate the potential of re-linking craft processes to contemporary digital design thinking/ production in the context of tall structures.
One of the most relevant and significant issues facing contemporary architecture in Istanbul is tall structures. In recent years, there has been a major increase in the construction of tall buildings, especially along the Levent-Maslak axis, the financial district of Istanbul. In this respect, the workshop will study the characteristics of this region, analyze the existing urban context in relation to architectural and infrastructural aspects, and propose potential models of tall structures that address the current observed problems in the area.
For more images and behind the scenes visit the AA Istanbul Visiting School website here