Industrial Ruins - Summer School, 2012

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Architecture, Computational Architecture, Phenomenology,
Diagrammatic Design, Pan-computational, Augmented Reality


Industrial Ruins - Summer School
Study of Industrial Ruins – Perception of Space in Architecture and Culture" is the title of the EU-funded international Summer School 2012 at the “Detmolder Schule für Architektur und Innenarchitektur” of the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences. Participating partner institutions are: Plymouth University (England), Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), Lucerne University (Switzerland) and the Universidade Fumec Belo Horizonte (Brazil)

For two weeks students and their lecturers will apply different instruments and will deal (creatively, sociologically, artistically, etc.) with specific industrial ruins, analyze their impact, and discuss the possibility of space they create. The empirical, theory-based and artistic exploration of the effects of space on its users is still a very young field of science, but its relevance to architecture and interior design cannot be estimated high enough.

For more images and behind the scenes visit the POSIAC website here
